• March 16, 2022

Dying to Keep Your Lights On

Dying to Keep Your Lights On

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In 1934, Electric Cooperatives were created to provide energy efficiently to members-owners. This would provide member-owners the opportunity to access resources living in Rural areas by using less energy to cut the cost of energy bills. Typically, homes and buildings use more energy than they need. However, energy efficiency is not being utilized for residents residing in Twin County. In December, an elderly woman had to choose between her electricity bill or her prescribed medication! Mrs. Lillie Sutton, a native of Pantherburn, Mississippi, and a member-owner of Twin County Electric Power Association was faced with the choice of her well-being versus living in darkness. Mrs. Sutton’s bill was over $1,000 dollars more than her monthly income.

After receiving the bill, Mrs. Sutton reached out to Twin County Electric Power Association. Twin County’s response to Mrs. Sutton was told to ask WWISSCA to pay for it. WWISSCA supports several counties within Twin County EPA including Washington, Issaquena, Sharkey, Yazoo, and Warren. The non-profit community action organization provides income-qualified residents, and for those seeking solidity, several services such as government aid, LIHEAP, or referrals to the programs run directly by WWISCAA, support may be offered. Their other focus is the care of senior citizens in the area by providing resources for them such as Dial a Buddy or Meals on Wheels.

After Twin County Electric Power Association’s response, Mrs. Sutton was at a loss. She stated, “When I have to make a choice between paying my light bill or buying food or paying for my medication, I feel helpless. It makes me angry and helpless! My light bill is almost more than my monthly income of Social Security. This month’s bill is $200 less than my income. Even if I get on a payment plan, I still have to pay my next full bill plus payment plan. Chances are my next bill will be just as high as the last one. Who can afford it?”
No one should have to choose between their medication and paying their electric bill. The majority of Twin County member-owners are elderly on social security and use 90 percent of their social security as income. This is NO WAY TO LIVE! Mrs. Sutton is one member-owner to set up and voice her concerns, but she is not the only one. Several member-owners have reported the massive electric bills. This needs to be addressed with the board to propose a solution to assist residents suffering to pay their bills.

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