
It’s Been More Than Two Decades, But Now Ivory Moore Can Register to Vote! 1024 708 admin2

It’s Been More Than Two Decades, But Now Ivory Moore Can Register to Vote!

It’s Been More Than Two Decades, But Now Ivory Moore Can Register to Vote! Restoring Rights in Mississippi Ivory Moore has not been able to vote for almost 25 years.…

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Walter Lewis Gets His Rights Restored and Uses the Momentum to Encourage Others 1024 875 admin2

Walter Lewis Gets His Rights Restored and Uses the Momentum to Encourage Others

Walter Lewis Gets His Rights Restored and Uses the Momentum to Encourage Others Restoring Rights in Mississippi After successfully getting his voting rights restored, Walter Lewis can move forward with…

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Broadband Access Toolkit 1024 576 admin2

Broadband Access Toolkit

Broadband Access Toolkit Download Toolkit Here

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Legislative Priorities 1024 768 Ayana Kinnel

Legislative Priorities

Download our 2023 Priorities

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Mississippians can not afford the effects of dismantling abortion rights. 150 150 Ayana Kinnel

Mississippians can not afford the effects of dismantling abortion rights.

Jackson, MS – Today, the Supreme Court decided to tear through the already tattered and worn fabric of our democracy. Overturning Roe v Wade blatantly ignores the fundamental human rights of…

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Dying to Keep Your Lights On 827 1024 admin2

Dying to Keep Your Lights On

In 1934, Electric Cooperatives were created to provide energy efficiently to members-owners. This would provide member-owners the opportunity to access resources living in Rural areas by using less energy to…

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One Voice lauds House passage of Build Back Better Act as huge step forward to improve the lives of Mississippians 882 1024 admin2

One Voice lauds House passage of Build Back Better Act as huge step forward to improve the lives of Mississippians

The US House of Representatives’ passage of the Build Back Better Act (BBB) is a huge step forward to increasing opportunity, reducing poverty, and shrinking racial inequities for Mississippi children,…

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Governor Tate Reeves Reveals Fiscal Year 2023 Executive Budget Recommendation 1024 683 admin2

Governor Tate Reeves Reveals Fiscal Year 2023 Executive Budget Recommendation

Governor Tate Reeves’ budget recommendation for FY 2023 outlines a projected $8 billion in total State Support Funds for appropriations. This includes a recommended increase of $555 million in General…

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Call To Action: Mississippi Rural Electric Co-ops to Provide Clean Energy. 1024 683 admin2

Call To Action: Mississippi Rural Electric Co-ops to Provide Clean Energy.

Here in the Southeast US, natural gas is a fossil fuel that provides electricity for our homes and business. We use it daily throughout our homes in winter and powering…

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Children are at the Heart of Jackson, MS 1024 536 Ayana Kinnel

Children are at the Heart of Jackson, MS

Children are at the Heart of Jackson, MS by Catherine Robinson Mississippi has suffered from racial injustices for centuries. And, since the early 1900s, we’ve known that babies and children…

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