Voting Rights

Engaging Community to Express Their Voice at the Ballot

Two programs ground One Voice’s voting rights work; the MS Civic Engagement Roundtable and Election Protection Call Center. The Mississippi Civic Engagement Roundtable is a network of over one hundred non-partisan organizations dedicated to achieving an inclusive, engaged, just, and equitable state for all Mississippians by increasing voter awareness and education. In partnership with the MS NAACP, our aim for the Election Protection Call Center is to ensure that all voters have an equal opportunity to participate in the political process by tracking election concerns and complaints through a central database.

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Voting Rights

End voter suppression.

We envision a Mississippi where the political process is accessible to all, allowing every individual to have their voice heard and counted.

End felony disenfranchisement and enact an effective suffrage procedure
Expand voting rights
Restore the state’s ballot initiative process

2025 Election Cycle

There are so many things in our community that we want to change, but we feel powerless. The good news is we’re not. The power of One Voice (YOUR VOICE) can do as much as any at a voting poll. The bad news is many feel that voting isn’t necessary. However, one vote can make a difference! The gubernatorial election is happening this year. The choice for governor, state executive, state senate, state house, and special state legislative are on the ballot. In the August primary, go to the polls and let your voice be heard, but don’t stop there. Follow up with your general election vote in November. Let’s make a difference in our community.

Election Protection

One Voice and the Mississippi State Conference NAACP hosts an Election Protection Program to prevent obstacles during polling to secure voting access for eligible Mississippians. We educate voters on the election process, anticipate and prepare for hurdles, and identify and respond to voter irregularities on Election Day. We work to prevent voter intimidation and suppression, elevate underserved voices, and seek opportunities to widen political participation. Call 1-888-601-VOTE if you have voting questions or concerns.

Having Trouble Voting?