One Voice Tagline v3 Orange

For Immediate Release: September 29, 2022

 CONTACT: | Ayana Kinnel |

Jackson, MS — Today, One Voice submitted a public comment to the Senate Study Group for Women, Children, and Families outlining some key issues impacting Mississippi women, children, and working families. Along with identifying key issues impacting the state, One Voice offers solutions and policy recommendations to be considered by the committee ahead of the legislative session

“A Mississippi with healthy, thriving neighborhoods, schools, economy, and most importantly families is attainable. We hope the committee takes action to address some of the issues we have laid out and implement our recommendations during the next legislative session. Together, we can help break the cycle of economic and health inequality that plagues our state, and ensure the needs of all of the state’s women, children, and families―regardless of income, education, or racial background―are met and that they have the opportunity for a better future.” said Kyra Roby, Senior Policy Analyst at One Voice

One Voice is attaching the full comment for review. If you would like a follow up or have questions regarding the comment, please reach out to schedule a time to speak with someone from the One Voice Policy Team


About One Voice
One Voice is a nonprofit organization specializing in training, leadership development, and network building in underserved communities. Our mission is to ensure an equal voice to traditionally silenced communities.